

Print Ads

Despite the much-trumpeted ‘death of print advertising,’ I still have clients commissioning me to create and write within this so-called traditional form. After more than 30 years, I still love creating and writing print ads, from small-space to national magazines and newspapers. It’s where I started and, in the age of 3-word hashtags (which, don’t get me wrong, I’m also a fan of) I still thrive on producing this, the purest form of copywriting.


Now called ‘OOH’ (Out Of Home), these are designed to be seen by the public when they’re doing other things – and doing them quickly. All the more reason for making them as instant, brief and compelling as possible. In terms of visibility, versatility and affordability they punch well above their budget-weight for effectiveness.

When Aussie haircare was a new, cult brand that couldn’t afford TV, the OOH campaign I wrote for them – in combination with my national press and magazine campaign – rapidly helped them become the UK’s fastest-growing conditioner brand.


Website Copy

If you want response and results from your website, keep your content simple, impactful, timely and always in-keeping with your brand tone of voice. I can help you create, write and maintain your online presence and personality which every brand, no matter how big or small, needs to own.

TV/Cinema/Online Film

Ok, so even I fast-forward past the commercial breaks when I’m watching TV. That said, if I glimpse something that looks remotely different or interesting, I’ll immediately stop and watch the whole spot.

I’ve written dozens of commercials for clients in every sphere of business and with all sizes of budgets. I also have a direct working relationship with a commercials production company that specialises in working direct to clients to make their budgets go further.



When done right, brand manifestos not only inspire customers, but also inspire employees and help attract future talent. The key, in a world where countless brands are trying to position themselves as ‘different’ or ‘relentlessly passionate,’ is to stay authentic, avoid marketing speak and hyperbole, have clear, simply-stated goals and even be honest about what you can’t do. I love a great brand manifesto – brand purpose, pyramid, call them what you like – but there aren’t that many out there. I love helping clients craft theirs.


It’s astonishing how many people underestimate radio as a marketing medium, especially considering that it entertains 36 million people across the UK with the average listener consuming 20 hours of live radio every week. And there are over 320 independent regional and national advertising radio stations in the UK targeting every range of audience demographic.

I’ve created and written award-winning radio campaigns and one-off commercials for clients including DHL, BT, Wella, Aussie, Max Factor, as well as smaller independent businesses.

As an obsessive podcast listener, I also know how powerful – and strategically-impactful – the right, well-written podcast sponsorship campaign can be.



In a world where as many as 95% of new products fail every year, it’s essential that a business and its design/innovation people have a clear vision for every new product or service. Product concept statements don’t have to be long, but they do have to clearly identify the product or service, explain its purpose and its appeal to the consumer demographic and how it meets their needs. I’ve had wide experience of writing product concept statements – and creating product or service names - for my own direct clients, multi-national corporations, agencies and design consultancies


I have written Instagram and Facebook posts for brands, companies and individuals. I like nothing more than stepping into and assuming the identity of an influencer or blogger and creating content on their behalf in their tone-of-voice, and always with a focus on maintaining their content strategy and adhering to their individual brand goals and identity. (Does this say something about an identity crisis on my part? No more than that of a good actor….I hope!).


TV Production Pitches

This is a newer avenue for me, but one which I’m absolutely loving. Most recently, I wrote a deck on behalf of a writing/production team developing a new fantasy/YA TV series concept, pitching it to various potential production partners, platforms and networks. I even got involved in ‘doctoring’ the scripts and helping to enhance and ‘tighten’ the dialogue.


I write copy – and concepts if necessary – for both physical (hard-copy) and digital brochures for either corporate or sales purposes. Like the best ad copy, I aim to keep them clear, concise and completely in keeping with your business’s tone of voice and brand personality.

I also compose and craft marketing e-mails for either B2B or B2C use.


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